Adult Faith Formation

By virtue of our baptism we are called to ongoing, lifelong faith formation.  Here at St. Francis of Assisi we provide many opportunities for adults to grow in faith through a variety of programs such as: scripture study, prayer groups, book studies, guest presenters, the catechism, prayer experiences, mini-retreats, and special offerings during the liturgical seasons of Advent and Lent.  Working in tandem with our cluster parish, St. Anselm, we share our offerings with them and benefit from participating in theirs.
For more information, please contact our parish office (440) 461-0066


This journey of faith leads the inquirer towards a lifelong commitment as a disciple of Christ, and if he/she so chooses, becomes a member of the Catholic Church. Participants grow in faith together, are welcomed into a community of believers through special Rites, experience prayer and liturgy, and the importance of good stewardship.
For more information, please contact Meg Zetzer, (440) 449-7880 ext 164.


The Evangelization Committee is a joint effort of St. Francis of Assisi Parish and our cluster partner, St. Anselm Parish. Together we have offered numerous presentations as part of our Come and See program.
For more information, please contact our parish office (440) 461-0066